Brand Assets
X-Cart products have different logo colors. Use the one that matches your business – Platform or Automotive.
By using our branded assets, you agree to our Trademark Policy and understand that violation of thisyour business – Platform or Automotive.
X-Cart Monotone
If our basic or full-color logos are not available, use a monochrome logo that provides the most contrast.
Conditions under which our basic or reversed full-color logos cannot be used include:
- When the budget requires one-color printing.
- When accurate color reproduction is unattainable.
- On cluttered or patterned backgrounds.
- On backgrounds with insufficient contrast.
- RGB: 255 255 255
- СMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
- RGB: 0 0 0
- СMYK: 0, 0, 0, 100
- HEX/HTML: #000000
- RGB: 231 138 47
- СMYK: 0, 40, 80, 9
- RGB: 0 46 211
- СMYK: 93, 86, 0, 0
- HEX/HTML: #002ED3
Logo usage
Here’s a few examples of what we should absolutely avoid when using the logo.
Never stretch or distort the logotype.
Never display the logotype in any orientation other than its upright display.
Do not alter the colors of the logo. Use only the file provided.
Do not display the full-color logo on the same color background.
Never mess with the brand name ever.
Don’t create your own version
Brand Assets
X-Cart products have different logo colors. Use the one that matches your business – Platform or Automotive.