Brighter Blooms Nursery

Opened in 2007
From X-Cart: We have asked Jenny Lee Wright, the Marketing Manager for Brighter Blooms Nursery, to share her experience with the X-Cart platform and services.
I am the Marketing Manager for Brighter Blooms Nursery. My duty in the company is overseeing the Internet operations including web design and assisting to sell online.
X-Cart eCommerce software allows us to quickly make changes to suit the needs of our customers.
Brighter Blooms Nursery has quickly become one of the nation’s leading online gardening suppliers, specializing in unique plants.
We are located in Fort Mill, SC, in a mild climate, that means we are able to offer a wide range of plants that will thrive in every part of the country. Gardeners all across the country love the idea of adding unique, hard to find plants in their landscape. Usually, one can’t find these plants locally. But we can ship these types of plants all across the country thanks to our online store.
We move quickly, so we like how X-Cart shopping cart is very easy to develop. We make fast changes to our eCommerce site, including design elements, and expanding our product line. X-Cart eCommerce software allows us to quickly make changes to suit the needs of our customers.
Cloud Search enabled on our eCommerce website has been an easy, effective, and accurate way to display my search results. For a manageable price, all my products are indexed daily and included in my custom search function. And X-Payments has been a quick addition to my checkout process to safely process payments without having to worry about PCI Compliance. With all these tools coupled together, selling online turned out to be unbelievably easy.

Alex is Payments Sr. Product Manager at X-Cart, a Seller Labs company. His other two passions are ice hockey and history.