Meet Shopgate: Beautiful mobile website and apps for your X-Cart 5 based store.

X-Carters, the time to go mobile is now! Mobile commerce is booming. Online merchants are waking up to the realization that a mobile strategy is now, more than ever, imperative to their overall success. Most industry experts believe that by 2015, 30% of all eCommerce sales will occur on smartphones and tablets. The next three years present a $200 bn revenue opportunity. To put this into focus, according to the research by “Unbound Commerce”, mCommerce sales via smartphones in the US were up 101% since this time last year. Mobile traffic now accounts for 25% of all internet visits, customers are often likely to research a product on their mobile device when deciding on a purchase. Mobil commerce allows you as a merchant to put the purchase into their hands, increasing those all important conversion rates.
Check with Google Analytics, where your customers are coming from
Still doubt? Think where your target audience is coming from. Check it in your Google Analytics account (the module integrating it with your X-Cart based store is free and available in all X-Cart packages). It will show you how many people in your current audience are coming to your site from a mobile device, compare the figure to the number of Desktop visitors, break out the numbers by specific device, its brand of OS. This is an article in Google Help Portal about it.
Check out the number of your mobile visitors, compare the results to the same period of the last year. Can you see the growing trend? If yes, it’s time to act. And together with our partners we can give you an effective, fast and easy to add solution, making the mobile version of your site beautiful, thumb-friendly, easy to read.
Shopgate – Mobile Website and Shopping App for X-Cart 5
Shopgate makes it easy to go mobile, there’s a reason why they’re the Number One mCommerce solution provider in the world. Shopgate already has over 5,500 merchants taking advantage of their mobile commerce solution. Join their ranks, offer your customers a more streamlined mobile experience with beautiful mobile websites and apps built by Shopgate that perfectly integrate with X-Cart.
Block title
Launch your own mobile website for smartphones and tablets in your look & feel.
Be available on the App Store with your amazing new native app for iPhone, iPad and Android.
Increase your mobile sales: Up to 900% increase in mobile conversion rates.
Get powerful mobile marketing features like barcode and QR scanner, push messages and integrated mobile coupons!
Gain new customers: As Shopgate merchant your products are automatically listed in the Red Laser App by Ebay!
X-Cart Shopgate Demo (iTunes)
Want an example of how the native app for iPhone and iPad will look like? Check an example here or just watch the screenshots below. Note that your website will have its own application!

X-Cart Shopgate Demo (Google Play)
Some more screenshots and another demo application – for Android – on Google Play.

X-Cart Shopgate Demo (Mobile Website)
Please make sure to use a smartphone, opening this demo: In this case Shopgate will detect the mobile phone and automatically serve the mobile version of this demo site. Otherwise you will see a native responsive skin of X-Cart . BTW, It will look excellent too: the Bootstrap-based responsive design adjusts the blocks and elements of the website depending on the device you use – tablet, desktop of a smartphone 😉
Now that your competitors are mobilizing, can you afford to wait?

Maria is a marketing manager at X-Cart. Once captured by digital and content marketing in her student days, she keeps living and breathing it ever since.