Support non-profit Oceania Project

The Oceania Project is a non-profit research and education organisation established in 1988 which is dedicated to raising awareness about whales, dolphins and the oceans through research and the dissemination of educational and conservation information.
A major project of The Oceania Project is an on-going long-term study of the social behaviour and social organisation of Humpback whales in Hervey Bay, Australia. This has involved the assembly of an extensive archive of unique and original photography, video and acoustic recordings of the humpback whales.
To share what we are learning about the humpback whales a range of beautiful DVDs, a Whalesong CD and downloadable digital movies were produced from the archive. The website was created as a shopfront for The Oceania Project to make these products, incorporating educational and conservation information, available to a world-wide audience.
Wally Franklin, one of Founders of The Oceania Project, shared their story

Alex is Payments Sr. Product Manager at X-Cart, a Seller Labs company. His other two passions are ice hockey and history.