Partnership with DHL: free integration module for X-Cart 5

Shipping is one of the essential components to consider when starting an online store. For those who sell goods internationally, the choice of delivery services provider is even more critical.
We understand the value of being able to choose among various providers, so to make things easier for our clients, we offer multiple direct integrations with shipping services providers (UPS, U.S.P.S., FedEx, Canada Post, Australia Post, etc.) as well as shipping automation services (ShipStation, Shipping Easy, etc.).
Today we are announcing another essential partnership: with DHL Express, the Specialists in International. DHL Express offers a wide range of delivery options in over 220 countries and territories across the globe.
Among the key features of the integration:
- Various carrier services supportAll of these DHL carrier services are supported within this integration: DHL Express, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL Domestic Express (in supported countries), DHL Express Easy, and DHL Express Envelope.
- Real-time shipping calculationThe DHL shipping integration module obtains rate quotes for shipments almost anywhere in the world—in 220 countries, everywhere except Turkmenistan and Antarctica.
- Shipment value protection on full order subtotal or on fixed valueDHL Express offers financial protection against most risks of physical loss or damage due to external causes. In the module settings page, you can define the insured value for the shipment.
Free integration module is available
X-Cart 5 users can benefit from DHL Express services via the built-in DHL Shipping module. You can find it in the Marketplace section in the administrative area of your store. To start using DHL Express services, first register with DHL and fill in the DHL Site ID, API password and DHL account credentials in the module settings page. The module has been certified by DHL.

Maria is a marketing manager at X-Cart. Once captured by digital and content marketing in her student days, she keeps living and breathing it ever since.