X-Payments v.2.2: Kount integration update, tokenization in PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow API), eSELECTplus, Simplify Commerce, HeidelPay, multi-refund in Authorize.Net

Hi everyone! The team of developers, helping me to make X-Payments better, did a very good job – I’m happy to announce that v2.2 is available and ready for use. And I encourage you to upgrade your X-Payments instances at your earliest convenience to get access to dozens of new features and improvements.
Before you proceed with the upgrade procedures, you certainly want to know what’s new, and I’m eager to share this info with you!
Per multiple requests @ IRCE: Showing more CC info
BIN #, last 4 digits and expiration date are now saved and passed to an integrated shopping cart. It makes the search for a merchant way easier, and everything is still within the scope of PCI DSS compliance.
Void payment authorization when refund is not possible
Starting from X-Payments v.2.2, when the refund is not possible before the settlement time, Void payment authorization becomes a solution for a merchant. This feature support is available in a number of payment gateway integrations. including but not limited to SkipJack and Authorize.Net, SecurePay US and SecurePay Australia, Simplify Commerce by Mastercard and more.
Fighting Fraud with Kount
Fighting fraud is an ever-lasting problem of online merchants. The Cyber fraudsters are inventing new aand new ways of stealing the money, so the antifraud systems and payment processors are constantly improving their algorithms and implementing new technologies of checking. X-Payments is perfecting its antifraud features too.
Major update of Integration with Kount. “Force Decline order” is now supported, i.e. X-Payments refuses to make a transaction if Kount does not like it. There are also many other smaller improvements. Watch video below to see how Kount works with X-Payments and protects you from online fraud.

More Antifraud updates
- Improved 3D Secure support, it includes more informative error messages, more details stored in order info, more convenient checking during the configuration – to sum up, it became a more advanced and convenient tool at the same time.
- Address Verification System, or AVS check results are now taken into account by X-Cart’s own AntiFraud Screening service.
For more info about the antifraud protection of your X-Cart based store, please read this recent overview in our blog.
New Payment Gateways

X-Payments expands the list of integrated payment processors. The first one is already known for the users of both X-Cart 4 and X-Cart 5: it’s Simplify Commerce by Mastercard. But for the sake of PCI compliance the integration available in X-Cart out of the box is able to accept payments, while X-Payments enlarges the list of merchant’s tools, adding the support of tokenization, 3d secure, refunds (including partial refunds), as well as partial capturing – in addition to standard sale/auth/capture list.
HeidelPay is a German payment gateway, that also supports everything listed above plus MultiRefund.
Tokenisation supported by more Payment Gateway integrations
Tokenisation is the feature which powers the most interesting features of X-Payments: subsciptions, ability to charge the credit card again and so on. It enables “storing” credit card without actual storing the CC number. Read more about this magic here.
- Payflow Pro
- PayPal Payments Pro (Payflow API)
- eSELECTplus ( formerly known as “eSelect DirectPost”)
Multi-refund support in Authorize.Net CIM and AIM

Both integration methods of Authorize.Net – CIM (Customer Information Manager) and AIM (Advanced Integration Method) now support MultiRefund! It means that you may do a partial refund within one order, and if you need to refund the rest of the sum later, it will be possible too.
Several Payment gateway integrations were not modified at all, but got renamed:
- Bean Stream/FirstData Canada => Digital River Company/FirstData Canada
- First Data Global Gateway e4(SM) Web Service API => First Data Payeezy Gateway (ex-Global Gateway e4)
- eSelect DirectPost => eSELECTplus
- SecurePay =>SecurePay USA
Clickjacking protection and other fixes
There were other changes making X-Payments better:
- Clickjacking, also known as a UI redress attack, is a malicious technique of tricking users into clicking on something different from what this user think they’re clicking on, potentially revealing confidential information or taking control of their computer. X-Payments got protected against this type of attacks.
- We discovered that there are redundant checks and fields for UK Maestro cards – they got removed.
- PayPal line items mismatch issue has been fixed.
- SecurePay Australia added transaction types auth, void, capture, refund).
- Worldpay Corporate Gateway – Direct Model now supports 3-D Secure.
- other minor usability&security improvements and bug fixes
Getting access to the new functionality by means of upgrade
- How to get your X-Payments updated:
- Those who own a license for downloadable X-Payments 2.x aka “Enterprise” could find the distributional packages in your File Areas. Follow the instructions or contact us to find out the cost of upgrade of your X-Payments software.
- Everything the users of X-Payments Hosted need to do is to submit a HelpDesk ticket with us with the upgrade request, and their X-Payments instances will be upgraded up to the latest version by our engineers for free.
- Besides the upgrade of your X-Payments software, please do not forget to update your X-Payments connector modules. They’re already available for both X-Cart 4 and X-Cart 5.
- In X-Cart 5, the store will inform you about the availability of upgrades automatically, all you need is to agree to update the module.
- In X-Cart 4 based stores, find the updated connectors here.

Alex is Payments Sr. Product Manager at X-Cart, a Seller Labs company. His other two passions are ice hockey and history.