X-Payments 2.1.3, updated X-Cart 4 connectors and x-payments.com

Greetings to all those interested in the PCI compliant payments processing with the support of tokenization, subscriptions and cards saving! I’m here with a bunch of news. First of all, X-Payments 2.1.3 is available. Actually, we released 2.1.2 a week before, but we found a couple of minor issues (typos, small UX troubles) and released 2.1.3 to provide you with the most updated X-Payments version available at the moment.
What’s new in X-Payments 2.1.3?
The most interesting changes are:- Tokenization for PayPal PayFlow PRO implemented – great for PCI compliant credit card saving for new orders and subscriptions
- Native PayPal PayFlow PRO fraud screening added
- PayPal vs X-Cart discounts issue has been fixed
- UK Sage Pay now supports tokenization for non-Captured yet or Voided transactions.
- Order number now submitted to Authorize.net CIM via X-Payments
- Kount integration improvements (see more about Kount fraud screening solution here).
- SecurePay Australia integration updated to support its new API
- pre-Auth transaction type for iTransact added
- NetRegistry Australia integration has been updated
- iFrame templates became friendly to iPads, iPhones and MacBooks running latest Apple’s operating systems iOS 8.x and Yosemite
- iFrame template issues for PCs with enlarged DPI fixed
- X-Payments no longer stops processing payments if disk space is full and it has no place to write log files.
- Old logs are replaced with new ones after configured period of time
- A new shop setting added – “Cancel not captured” – it controls whether or not to void automatically the “auth only” payments not captured in 30 days. Enabled by default.
- other bug-fixes and minor improvements
How to get X-Payments v2.1.3?
- Users of X-Payments hosted plans – just submit us a ticket with request of a free upgrade, and we’ll take care of it.
- Users of X-Payments v2.x Enterprise licenses ( that is former “X-Payments Downloadable), please check the “File Area” section of your HelpDesk account, the new version of X-Payments, as well as an upgrade script, is available there.
- User of X-Payments v1.x downloadable license – you need to buy XP v1 -> v2 license exchange available in the “Buy products and services” area of your HelpDesk accounts to get access to the updated package and all its features.
Up-great X-Payments Connectors as well!
To enjoy all the new features of X-Payments v2.1.3, the users of X-Cart 5 will just need to upgrade their stores to v5.1.11 or later, and the Connectors will be updated automatically. X-Cart 4.x users should update their X-Payments connectors, see details below.The rest of the article is for the users of X-Cart 4 Classic only
Besides releasing a new version of X-Payments we’ve also updated X-Cart 4.x Connectors for X-Payments and have a time-limited special deal for all those who run X-Cart 4.x based online stores.Special deal for X-Cart 4 based online merchants
What’s new in X-Cart 4 connectors?
- When the saved credit card is used to place a new order, the connector passes the proper order id via X-Payments for payment methods where it is supported
- The issue with ordering gift certificates is fixed
- The actual customer’s IP is now stored in order details for further fraud checking
- Bug fixes and minor improvements are implemented
Download updated connectors for X-Cart 4 Classic
x-payments.com launched
X-Payments keeps growing, so we came to conclusion that for marketing reasons it needs its own website – x-payments.com! Does it really change something for you as a current user of X-Payments? No, it doesn’t, everything remains absolutely the same for you. Being the Product manager of X-Payments, I’m just happy and proud to share the news about this step forward.
Alex is Payments Sr. Product Manager at X-Cart, a Seller Labs company. His other two passions are ice hockey and history.