X-Cart gives Chain Supplies incredible flexibility and abilities for on-line trading

Chain Supplies is the internet trading division of Hancocks of Staffordshire. Established in 1952 as a corn, seed and animal housing supplies business. Whilst selling mainly to the consumer market since the mid 1950’s and have continued to expand within the areas of wire products chain, and components.
We believe our success is largely attributed to traditional values of first class customer service, fast UK delivery together with excellent value. Our customers include; Schools, Universities, National Trust, Local Councils, Football Grounds, Hospitals, Film Industry, Racing Car Specialists, the Oil and Petrochemical Industry, Railway providers, together with many individual customers.
X-Cart powers Chain Supplies’ site and gives us incredible flexibility and abilities for on-line trading. We can publish new products, configure shipping rates, take payments via SecureTrading, manage orders and much more. We don’t need to think about how to do our everyday online business activities with X-Cart. We just do them. Our web developer Kent House recommended using X-Cart as they find it flexible, and they have also been able to get good SEO results using it.
Neal Hancock, owner of the Chain Supplies

Alex is Payments Sr. Product Manager at X-Cart, a Seller Labs company. His other two passions are ice hockey and history.